(a) In addition to methods specified in chapters 245A and 245C, the commissioner may use alternative methods and new regulatory strategies to determine compliance with this section. The commissioner may use sampling techniques to ensure compliance with this section. Notwithstanding section 245A.09, subdivision 7, paragraph (e), the commissioner may also extend periods of licensure, not to exceed five years, for license holders who have demonstrated substantial and consistent compliance with sections 245B.02 to 245B.07 and have consistently maintained the health and safety of consumers and have demonstrated by alternative methods in paragraph (b) that they meet or exceed the requirements of this section. For purposes of this section, "substantial and consistent compliance" means that during the current licensing period:
(1) the license holder's license has not been made conditional, suspended, or revoked;
(2) there have been no substantiated allegations of maltreatment against the license holder;
(3) there have been no program deficiencies that have been identified that would jeopardize the health or safety of consumers being served; and
(4) the license holder is in substantial compliance with the other requirements of chapters 245A and 245C and other applicable laws and rules.
(b) To determine the length of a license, the commissioner shall consider:
(1) information from affected consumers, and the license holder's responsiveness to consumers' concerns and recommendations;
(2) self assessments and peer reviews of the standards of this section, corrective actions taken by the license holder, and sharing the results of the inspections with consumers, the consumers' families, and others, as requested;
(3) length of accreditation by an independent accreditation body, if applicable;
(4) information from the county where the license holder is located; and
(5) information from the license holder demonstrating performance that meets or exceeds the minimum standards of this chapter.
(c) The commissioner may reduce the length of the license if the license holder fails to meet the criteria in paragraph (a) and the conditions specified in paragraph (b).
The commissioner may require the license holder to implement additional measures on a time-limited basis to ensure the health and safety of consumers when the health and safety of consumers has been determined to be at risk as determined by substantiated incidents of maltreatment under sections 626.556 and 626.557. The license holder may request reconsideration of the actions taken by the commissioner under this subdivision according to section 245A.06.
Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to limit the commissioner's authority to suspend or revoke a license or issue a fine at any time under section 245A.07; make correction orders and make a license conditional for failure to comply with applicable laws or rules under section 245A.06; or deny an application for license under section 245A.05.
The commissioner shall establish application procedures for license holders licensed under this chapter to reduce the need to submit duplicative material.
The commissioner shall make information available to consumers and interested others regarding the licensing status of a license holder.
The commissioner shall seek advice from parties affected by the implementation of this chapter.
The commissioner may exempt a license holder from duplicative standards if the license holder is already licensed under chapter 245A.
1997 c 248 s 42; 1Sp2001 c 9 art 14 s 25; 2002 c 379 art 1 s 113; 2003 c 15 art 1 s 33; 1Sp2003 c 14 art 6 s 20