Unless otherwise specified in statute, a maltreatment determination or disposition under section 626.556 or 626.557 is conclusive, if:
(1) the commissioner has issued a final order in an appeal of that determination or disposition under section 245A.08, subdivision 5, or 256.045;
(2) the individual did not request reconsideration of the maltreatment determination or disposition under section 626.556 or 626.557; or
(3) the individual did not request a hearing of the maltreatment determination or disposition under section 256.045.
(a) Unless otherwise specified in statute, a determination that:
(1) the information the commissioner relied upon to disqualify an individual under section 245C.14 was correct based on serious or recurring maltreatment;
(2) a preponderance of the evidence shows that the individual committed an act or acts that meet the definition of any of the crimes listed in section 245C.15; or
(3) the individual failed to make required reports under section 626.556, subdivision 3, or 626.557, subdivision 3, is conclusive if:
(i) the commissioner has issued a final order in an appeal of that determination under section 245A.08, subdivision 5, or 256.045, or a court has issued a final decision;
(ii) the individual did not request reconsideration of the disqualification under section 245C.21; or
(iii) the individual did not request a hearing on the disqualification under section 256.045 or chapter 14.
(b) When a licensing action under section 245A.05, 245A.06, or 245A.07 is based on the disqualification of an individual in connection with a license to provide family child care, foster care for children in the provider's own home, or foster care services for adults in the provider's own home, that disqualification shall be conclusive for purposes of the licensing action if a request for reconsideration was not submitted within 30 calendar days of the individual's receipt of the notice of disqualification.
(c) If a determination that the information relied upon to disqualify an individual was correct and is conclusive under this section, and the individual is subsequently disqualified under section 245C.15, the individual has a right to request reconsideration on the risk of harm under section 245C.21. Subsequent determinations regarding the risk of harm shall be made according to section 245C.22 and are not subject to another hearing under section 256.045 or chapter 14.
2003 c 15 art 1 s 29; 2004 c 288 art 1 s 74