The commissioner of human services may continue to provide residential care in regional treatment centers.
To the extent of available money, the commissioner of human services may expand the capacity to provide technical assistance to community providers in handling the behavior problems of their patients. Technical assistance may include site visits, consultation with providers, or provider training.
Respite care may be provided in a regional treatment center when space is available if (1) payment for 20 percent of the prevailing facility per diem is guaranteed by the person, the person's family or legal representative, or a source other than a direct state appropriation to the regional treatment center and (2) provision of respite care to the individual meets the facility's admission criteria and licensing standards. The parent or guardian must consent to admission and sign a waiver of liability. Respite care is limited to 30 days within a calendar year. No preadmission screening process is required for a respite care stay under this subdivision.
1989 c 282 art 6 s 17