The state-operated services shall provide active psychiatric treatment according to contemporary professional standards. Treatment must be designed to:
(1) stabilize the individual and the symptoms that required hospital admission;
(2) restore individual functioning to a level permitting return to the community;
(3) strengthen family and community support; and
(4) facilitate discharge, after care, and follow-up as patients return to the community.
The commissioner shall determine the need for the psychiatric services provided by the department based upon individual needs assessments of persons in the state-operated services as required by section 245.474, subdivision 2, and an evaluation of: (1) state-operated services programs, (2) programs needed in the region for persons who require hospitalization, and (3) available epidemiologic data. Throughout its planning and implementation, the assessment process must be discussed with the State Advisory Council on Mental Health in accordance with its duties under section 245.697. Continuing assessment of this information must be considered in planning for and implementing changes in state-operated programs and facilities for persons with mental illness. Expansion may be considered only after a thorough analysis of need and in conjunction with a comprehensive mental health plan.
The commissioner shall periodically disseminate criteria for admission and continued stay in a state-operated services facility. The commissioner shall disseminate the criteria to the courts of the state and counties.
1989 c 282 art 6 s 26; 1Sp2003 c 14 art 6 s 41