The head of a treatment facility shall discharge any patient admitted as a person who is mentally ill or chemically dependent, or a person with a developmental disability admitted under Minnesota Rules of Criminal Procedure, rules 20.01 and 20.02, to the secure bed component of the Minnesota extended treatment options when the head of the facility certifies that the person is no longer in need of care and treatment or at the conclusion of any period of time specified in the commitment order, whichever occurs first. The head of a treatment facility shall discharge any person admitted as developmentally disabled, except those admitted under Minnesota Rules of Criminal Procedure, rules 20.01 and 20.02, to the secure bed component of the Minnesota extended treatment options, when that person's screening team has determined, under section 256B.092, subdivision 8, that the person's needs can be met by services provided in the community and a plan has been developed in consultation with the interdisciplinary team to place the person in the available community services.
Prior to the discharge or provisional discharge of any committed person, the head of the treatment facility shall notify the designated agency and the patient's spouse or health care agent, or if there is no spouse or health care agent, then an adult child, or if there is none, the next of kin of the patient, of the proposed discharge. The notice shall be sent to the last known address of the person to be notified by certified mail with return receipt. The notice shall include the following: (1) the proposed date of discharge or provisional discharge; (2) the date, time and place of the meeting of the staff who have been treating the patient to discuss discharge and discharge planning; (3) the fact that the patient will be present at the meeting; and (4) the fact that the next of kin or health care agent may attend that staff meeting and present any information relevant to the discharge of the patient. The notice shall be sent at least one week prior to the date set for the meeting.
1982 c 581 s 16; 1986 c 444; 1988 c 623 s 15; 1997 c 217 art 1 s 83; 2002 c 221 s 27; 2005 c 56 s 1; 2009 c 108 s 9