When an affidavit duly verified by a person claiming to have knowledge of the facts and setting forth that, with resulting injury to health, any person named or described therein is a habitual user, otherwise than under the direction of a duly licensed and practicing physician, of opium, or cocoa leaves or any compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, or preparation thereof, shall be filed with the county attorney of any county in which such alleged habitual user is or may be found, such county attorney shall issue a notice requiring the person so named or described to appear before a judge of the district court of the county in chambers at a time and place specified in such notice, and cause a copy thereof to be served by the sheriff upon the person so named or described not less than two days before the dates specified for such appearance. The affidavit and the original notice with proof of service shall be filed with the court administrator at or before the time specified for such appearance, but the same and the other records and files of the proceeding shall be open for inspection only by the person named or described therein or the person's counsel, and by public officers.
(4540) 1923 c 235 s 1; 1986 c 444; 1Sp1986 c 3 art 1 s 82