There is hereby imposed upon each such cooperative association on December 31 of each year a tax of $10 for each 100 members, or fraction thereof, of such association. The tax, when paid, shall be in lieu of all personal property taxes, state, county, or local, upon distribution lines and the attachments and appurtenances thereto of such associations located in rural areas. The tax shall be payable on or before March 1 of the next succeeding year, to the commissioner of revenue. If the tax, or any portion thereof, is not paid within the time herein specified for the payment thereof, there shall be added thereto a specific penalty equal to ten percent of the amount so remaining unpaid. Such penalty shall be collected as part of said tax, and the amount of said tax not timely paid, together with said penalty, shall bear interest at the rate specified in section 270C.40 from the time such tax should have been paid until paid. The commissioner shall deposit the amount so received in the general fund of the state treasury.
1939 c 303 s 3; 1951 c 590 s 1; 1959 c 158 s 18; Ex1971 c 31 art 20 s 7; 1973 c 582 s 3; 1973 c 650 art 3 s 1; 1975 c 377 s 8; 2005 c 151 art 2 s 17