No person shall drive and no operator shall knowingly permit or cause a vehicle to be used for transportation service unless there is displayed thereon a certificate issued upon inspection by the commissioner of public safety as provided in this section.
Inspection shall be made by personnel in the department of public safety assigned to the State Patrol. An operator of transportation services shall submit a vehicle for inspection after the installation of a wheelchair securement device in the vehicle and before using the vehicle for transportation service, but not later than one month after the date of installation. Evidence of the date of installation shall be provided by the operator at the inspection.
The inspection shall be made to determine that the vehicle complies with the provisions of sections 299A.12, subdivisions 1 and 4, and 299A.13, subdivision 1; that the securement device is in working order; and that the securement device is not in need of obvious repair. The inspection may include testing the use of a securement device while the vehicle is in motion.
A certificate furnished by the commissioner shall be issued upon completion of inspection if the vehicle complies with the requirements set forth in subdivision 3. The certificate shall be affixed to the lower left corner of the windshield. It shall note compliance with this section, record the number of wheelchairs which may be simultaneously carried in the vehicle, and note the month and year in which the next inspection is required.
Subsequent inspections shall be made annually. If additional securement devices are installed in a vehicle already equipped with a securement device, inspection is required as specified in subdivision 2.
1978 c 752 s 4; 1981 c 37 s 2; 1991 c 163 s 4