A crime information reward fund is created as an account in the state treasury. Money appropriated to the account is available to pay rewards as directed by the commissioner of public safety, in consultation with the attorney general, under this section.
The attorney general shall appoint an advisory group, in consultation with the commissioner, of five members to assist in implementation of this section.
The commissioner is authorized to pay a reward to any person who, in response to a reward offer, provides information leading to the arrest and conviction of a criminal offender. The commissioner shall establish criteria for determining the amount of the reward and the duration of the reward offer. In no event shall a reward exceed $10,000 or a reward offer remain open longer than ten days. The commissioner shall select the criminal investigations for which rewards are offered based on recommendations made by the advisory group members or by the law enforcement agency or agencies conducting the criminal investigation.
1994 c 636 art 4 s 18