The definitions in this section apply to sections 299C.66 to 299C.71.
"Background check crime" means:
(a)(1) a felony violation of section 609.185 (first-degree murder); 609.19 (second-degree murder); 609.20 (first-degree manslaughter); 609.221 (first-degree assault); 609.222 (second-degree assault); 609.223 (third-degree assault); 609.25 (kidnapping); 609.342 (first-degree criminal sexual conduct); 609.343 (second-degree criminal sexual conduct); 609.344 (third-degree criminal sexual conduct); 609.345 (fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct); 609.561 (first-degree arson); or 609.749 (stalking);
(2) an attempt to commit a crime in clause (1); or
(3) a conviction for a crime in another jurisdiction that would be a violation under clause (1) or an attempt under clause (2) in this state; or
(b)(1) a felony violation of section 609.195 (third-degree murder); 609.205 (second-degree manslaughter); 609.21 (criminal vehicular homicide and injury); 609.2231 (fourth-degree assault); 609.224 (fifth-degree assault); 609.24 (simple robbery); 609.245 (aggravated robbery); 609.255 (false imprisonment); 609.52 (theft); 609.582, subdivision 1 or 2 (burglary); 609.713 (terroristic threats); or a nonfelony violation of section 609.749 (stalking);
(2) an attempt to commit a crime in clause (1); or
(3) a conviction for a crime in another jurisdiction that would be a violation under clause (1) or an attempt under clause (2) in this state.
[Repealed, 2009 c 59 art 6 s 25]
"Manager" means an individual who is hired or is applying to be hired by an owner and who has or would have the means, within the scope of the individual's duties, to enter tenants' dwelling units. "Manager" does not include a person who is hired on a casual basis and not in the ongoing course of the business of the owner.
"Owner" has the meaning given to "landlord" in section 504B.001, subdivision 7. However, "owner" does not include a person who owns, operates, or is in control of a health care facility or a home health agency licensed by the commissioner of health or human services under chapter 144, 144A, 144B, or 245A, or a board and lodging establishment with special services registered under section 157.17.
"Superintendent" means the superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.
"Tenant" has the meaning given to "residential tenant" in section 504B.001, subdivision 12.
1995 c 226 art 4 s 14; 1996 c 408 art 10 s 7; 1999 c 199 art 2 s 7,8; 2001 c 7 s 62; 2010 c 299 s 14