Upon the consolidation or merger of two or more church conferences, a subordinate or affiliate religious corporation formerly under the governance of one of them may use the name, or appropriate part of it, of the consolidated or merged church conference as part of its name in place of that of the consolidating or merging church conference. Deeds, mortgages, contracts and other legal documents executed by the subordinate or affiliate corporation using the new name are legal and binding on the subordinate or affiliate corporation to the same extent as if they had been executed in the old name of the subordinate or affiliate religious corporation.
A member of the subordinate or affiliate religious corporation may file with the county recorder of the county where it is located and also where it owns property an affidavit stating (1) its corporate name and book and page where recorded, (2) the names of the consolidating or merging church conferences, (3) the name of the consolidated or merged church conference, (4) its name as used following the consolidation or merger, including the name of the consolidated or merged church conference, or part of it, (5) that the affidavit is made pursuant to this section, and (6) the text of subdivision 1.
1969 c 830 s 1,2; 1976 c 181 s 2; 1985 c 265 art 5 s 1