A person may not offer for sale or sell CFC coolants in containers weighing less than 15 pounds that are designed for or are suitable for use in motor vehicle air conditioners except to persons who possess CFC recycling equipment and who present proof of ownership of CFC recycling equipment at the time of purchase.
A person may not offer for sale or sell solvents containing CFCs in containers weighing 15 pounds or less.
A person may not offer for sale or sell CFC propelled party streamers.
A person may not offer for sale or sell CFC noise horns.
For purposes of this section, the term "CFC" has the definition given in section 116.70, subdivision 3.
For each new chemical added to section 116.70, subdivision 3, after the effective date of Laws 1990, chapter 560, the application of this section to the new chemical is effective on the date specified for elimination of production of that chemical in the Montreal Treaty.
1990 c 560 art 2 s 8