For purposes of this section, "replica firearm" means a device or object that is not defined as a dangerous weapon, and that is a facsimile or toy version of, and reasonably appears to be a pistol, revolver, shotgun, sawed-off shotgun, rifle, machine gun, rocket launcher, or any other firearm.
A person may not in the regular course of business offer for sale or sell a replica firearm unless it bears a warning label complying with this section. The warning label must be affixed at the time of packaging to the replica firearm, or to the package or box containing the replica firearm, so that it is clearly visible to the buyer.
The word "warning" must be printed clearly on the label in uppercase letters that measure at least one-half inch in size centered over the body copy of the actual warning. The warning label copy must be printed in letters that measure at least 3/32 of an inch in size. The warning label must be printed in ink that strongly contrasts with the background. The warning label must state the criminal penalties under state law that may arise from use of the replica firearm, and describe the prohibited activities.
This section may be enforced by the attorney general under section 8.31, but a court may not impose a civil penalty of more than $500 for a violation of this section.
1988 c 712 s 4