The board shall keep a record of its proceedings and a register of all applicants for licensing, showing for each the date of application, name, age, educational and other qualifications, place of business, and the place of residence, whether or not an examination was required and whether the applicant was rejected or a license granted, and the date of such action. The books and register of the board shall be prima facie evidence of all matters recorded therein. A roster showing the names and places of business or of residence of all licensed architects, engineers, land surveyors, landscape architects, geoscientists, and certified interior designers shall be prepared annually. Rosters may be printed out of the funds of the board.
(5697-8) 1921 c 523 s 8; 1955 c 847 s 23; 1957 c 15; 1975 c 329 s 11; 1976 c 222 s 144; 1992 c 507 s 13; 1995 c 206 s 15; 1998 c 324 s 4