When there shall be an actual or threatened violation of section 333.50, an application may be made to a court having jurisdiction to issue an injunction, upon notice to the defendant of not less than five days, for an injunction to enjoin and restrain the actual or threatened violation; and if it shall appear to the satisfaction of the court or justice that the defendant is in fact so using or threatening to use the name and mark "portorama" or any other name or mark confusingly similar thereto, or any other name, mark, emblem, insignia, or badge, designation, or distinguishing descriptive word or phrase used by the Duluth Jaycees in carrying out its purposes relating to the "portorama" or confusingly similar to any other name, mark, emblem, insignia or badge, designation, or distinguishing descriptive word or phrase used by the Duluth Jaycees in carrying out its purposes relating to the "portorama," an injunction may be issued by the court enjoining and restraining the actual or threatened violation without requiring proof that any person has in fact been misled or deceived thereby.
1967 c 224 s 2