Except as provided in subdivisions 1a and 2, prizes for a single bingo game may not exceed $200 except prizes for a cover-all game, which may exceed $200 if the aggregate value of all cover-all prizes in a bingo occasion does not exceed $1,000. Total prizes awarded at a bingo occasion may not exceed $2,800, unless a cover-all game is played in which case the limit is $3,800. A prize may be determined based on the value of the bingo packet sold to the player. For purposes of this subdivision, a cover-all game is one in which a player must cover all spaces except a single free space to win and includes a game in which all odd or all even numbers are designated by the organization as covered prior to the start of the game.
Prizes for a linked bingo game shall be limited as follows:
(1) no organization may contribute more than $300 per linked bingo game to a linked bingo prize pool;
(2) no organization may award more than $200 for a linked bingo game consolation prize. For purposes of this subdivision, a linked bingo game consolation prize is a prize awarded by an organization after a prize from the linked bingo prize pool has been won; and
(3) for a progressive linked bingo game, if no player declares a valid bingo within the predetermined amount of bingo numbers called, a portion of the prize is carried over to another occasion until the accumulated prize is won. The portion of the prize that is not carried over must be awarded to the first player or players who declares a valid bingo as additional numbers are called. If a valid bingo is declared within the predetermined amount of bingo numbers called, the entire prize pool for that game is awarded to the winner. The annual limit for progressive bingo game prizes contained in subdivision 2 must be reduced by the amount an organization contributes to progressive linked bingo games during the same calendar year.
Except as provided in subdivision 1a, a prize of up to $2,000 may be awarded for a progressive bingo game, including a cover-all game. The prize for a progressive bingo game may start at $500 and be increased by up to $100 for each occasion during which the progressive bingo game is played. A consolation prize of up to $200 for a progressive bingo game may be awarded in each occasion during which the progressive bingo game is played and the accumulated prize is not won.
The maximum prize which may be awarded for any single pull-tab is $599 for $2 and under pull-tabs, $899 for $3 pull-tabs, $1,199 for $4 pull-tabs, and $1,499 for $5 pull-tabs, not including any cumulative or carryover prizes. Cumulative or carryover prizes in a pull-tab game shall not exceed $2,500. An organization may not sell any pull-tab for more than $5.
The maximum cash prize which may be awarded for a paddle ticket is $70. An organization may not sell any paddle ticket for more than $2.
The maximum prize which may be awarded for a tipboard ticket is $599 for $2 and under tipboard tickets, $899 for $3 tipboard tickets, $1,199 for $4 tipboard tickets, and $1,499 for $5 tipboard tickets, not including any cumulative or carryover prizes. Cumulative or carryover prizes in tipboard games shall not exceed $2,500. An organization may not sell any tipboard ticket for more than $5.
The board may not impose an annual limit on the value of raffle prizes awarded by licensed organizations but the total value of an individual raffle prize may not exceed $50,000.
The board by rule shall establish a schedule of prize limits for all other forms of gambling consistent with the purposes set out in section 349.11. The schedule may include daily prize limits and prize limits for each game, raffle or operation of a gambling device.
(a) Merchandise prizes must be valued at their fair market value. For purposes of sections 349.11 to 349.22 "prizes" do not include free plays awarded.
(b) Merchandise prizes for a paddle wheel consisting of 32 numbers or less or a tipboard consisting of 32 tickets or less may be paid for by the organization up to 30 days after the prize is received by the organization.
1984 c 502 art 12 s 16; 1986 c 467 s 21; 1991 c 336 art 2 s 33; 1994 c 633 art 5 s 86-88; 1995 c 261 s 25; 1997 c 155 s 8,9; 1999 c 206 s 13,14; 2000 c 300 s 7; 2002 c 386 art 2 s 6,7; 2003 c 110 s 41,42; 2004 c 172 s 9; 2005 c 166 art 1 s 34; 2006 c 205 s 27; 2007 c 145 s 7; 2008 c 260 s 17-22