The public employees police and fire fund is established for police officers and firefighters who meet the eligibility criteria under section 353.64. Employee contributions, employer contributions, other than the excess contribution established by section 69.031, subdivision 5, paragraphs (2), clauses (b) and (c), and (3), and other amounts authorized by law, including all employee and employer contributions of members transferred must be deposited in the public employees police and fire fund.
The employee contribution is 9.4 percent of the salary of the member in calendar year 2010 and is 9.6 percent of the salary of the member in each calendar year after 2010. This contribution must be made by deduction from salary in the manner provided in subdivision 4. Where any portion of a member's salary is paid from other than public funds, the member's employee contribution is based on the total salary received from all sources.
The employer contribution is 14.1 percent of the salary of the member in calendar year 2010 and is 14.4 percent of the salary of the member in each calendar year after 2010. This contribution must be made from funds available to the employing subdivision by the means and in the manner provided in section 353.28.
[Repealed, 1999 c 222 art 4 s 20]
The head of each department of the various governmental subdivisions is hereby directed to cause employee contributions to be deducted in the manner and subject to the terms provided in section 353.27, subdivision 4.
[Repealed, 1973 c 753 s 85]
All contributions other than the excess contribution established by section 69.031, subdivision 5, paragraphs (2), clauses (b) and (c), and (3) shall be credited to the fund and all interest and other income of the fund shall be credited to said fund. The retirement fund shall be disbursed only for the purposes herein provided. The expenses of said fund and the annuities herein provided upon retirement shall be paid from said fund.
[Repealed, 1996 c 390 s 41]
1959 c 650 s 33; 1965 c 714 s 6-8; Ex1967 c 53 s 6-8; 1971 c 297 s 5; 1973 c 753 s 69,70; 1979 c 216 s 18; 1987 c 296 s 6; 1988 c 709 art 5 s 22; 1989 c 319 art 6 s 3-5; 1992 c 432 art 2 s 18; 1993 c 352 s 1-3; 1994 c 528 art 2 s 12; 1994 c 632 art 3 s 56; 1995 c 262 art 4 s 1; 1999 c 222 art 4 s 8,9; 1Sp2005 c 8 art 5 s 7,8; 2009 c 169 art 4 s 17,18; 2010 c 359 art 1 s 35,36