(a) If a public employee continues in retirement plan coverage by the public employees police and fire retirement plan by virtue of this article and subsequently is covered by the federal old age, survivors, and disability insurance program for service as a Rice County correctional officer, the retirement annuity of the person under section 353.651 or the disability benefit of the person under section 353.656 must be reduced dollar for dollar for the Social Security benefit that the person is entitled to receive by virtue of Rice County correctional service rendered after the effective date of section 1.
(b) To be effective, the retirement annuity or disability benefit application form for a Rice County correctional employee must include signed written permission by the person for the Public Employees Retirement Association to obtain the necessary information from the federal old age, survivors, and disability insurance program to implement the offset provision in paragraph (a).
1999 c 222 art 14 s 4