When the plans and specifications are completed and approved by the city council and the county board, the commission shall, after notice appropriate to inform possible bidders, obtain bids or proposals for all or any portion of the work or materials, or both, to be done, performed, or furnished in the construction of the building. All bids or proposals shall be sealed by the bidders or proposers and filed with the commission at or before the time specified for the opening of bids or proposals. At the time and place specified for the opening of bids or proposals, the commission shall meet, open the bids or proposals, tabulate them, and award the contract or contracts to the responsible bidder whose bid or proposal is the most favorable to the city or county, or reject all bids and proposals. If all bids or proposals are rejected, the commission may, after similar notice, obtain more bids or proposals or may modify or change the plans and specifications and submit the modified plans and specifications to the city council and the county board for approval. When the modified or changed plans and specifications are satisfactory to both the city council and the county board, the plans and specifications shall be returned to the commission and the commission shall proceed again, after similar notice, to obtain bids or proposals. Any contract awarded by the commission shall be subject to approval by the city council and the county board.
As an alternative to the procurement method described in subdivision 1, the commission may issue a request for proposals and award the contract to the vendor or contractor offering the best value as described in section 16C.28, subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (2), and paragraph (c).
(643-13) 1929 c 397 s 13; 1984 c 543 s 37; 1985 c 109 s 4; 2007 c 148 art 3 s 21