Within 30 days of the effective date of Laws 1987, chapter 103, the Ramsey County legislative delegation shall nominate 41 persons as candidates for appointment to a Charter Commission to frame a charter to provide for the form of government for Ramsey county. Five persons who reside in the district shall be nominated for each of the county commissioner districts in the county. Six persons who reside in the county shall also be nominated without regard to county commissioner districts. Within 30 days of the selection of nominees the judges of the Second Judicial District shall appoint the Charter Commission of 17 members consisting of two appointees for each county commissioner district selected from those nominated from each county commissioner district and three appointees from those nominated at large to serve at large. The commission members must be qualified voters in Ramsey County. No person shall be disqualified from serving on the Charter Commission because of holding an elective or appointive office.
1987 c 103 s 2