The district shall develop a pilot program that contains a model ordinance and conservation specifications for the effective control of soil erosion and sediment deposition. To assist in the development of the pilot program, the district shall seek the advice of appropriate state and federal agencies, local units of government, and representatives of interests such as residential development and nonresidential development.
The district pilot program shall contain:
(1) relevant physical and developmental information concerning the region, including data relating to land use, soils, hydrology, geology, size of land area being disturbed, proximate water bodies and their characteristics, transportation, and public facilities and services;
(2) a model ordinance;
(3) principles for protecting existing vegetation, adequate revegetation schedules, and runoff control measures; and
(4) conservation specifications and alternative methods for the control of erosion and sediment resulting from land disturbance activities.
The district shall adopt and implement the program by January 1, 1989. The district may revise its pilot program as necessary. The district shall give due notice and conduct at least one public hearing on the proposed pilot program before adoption or revision.
The program shall be made available for public inspection at the office of the district.
1988 c 497 s 3