Every political committee shall have a chair and a treasurer, who may be the same individual. The treasurer may designate deputy treasurers and shall be responsible for their accounts. The treasurer shall designate a single depository and account for all contributions received by the political committee.
No contribution shall be accepted and no expenditure shall be made by or on behalf of a political committee while the office of treasurer is vacant. No anonymous contribution in excess of $20 shall be retained by the political committee but shall be forwarded to the state campaign finance and public disclosure board and deposited in the general fund. No funds of the political committee shall be commingled with the personal funds of any officer, member or associate of the committee. Any individual who violates a provision of this subdivision is guilty of a misdemeanor.
1980 c 362 s 3; 1986 c 444; 1997 c 202 art 2 s 63