All powers and duties pertaining to health care and related services now or hereafter exercisable or imposed by law upon Hennepin County shall be vested in the board of commissioners. If, by general statute, provision is made for separate health boards, the board of commissioners may assume the powers and duties of the boards or may create separate health boards and make appointments to them as provided by statute. The board may delegate authority and responsibility to the county administrator, who may designate a person or persons to perform the tasks empowered or assigned. The powers and duties of the board shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) Those provided in chapter 145.
(b) Those created by contract entered into with any other unit of government or the University of Minnesota for health care and related services, or by contract or affiliation agreement under section 383B.217, subdivision 5.
(c) Those relating to mental health in chapter 245.
(d) Those authorized under section 471.59.
(e) Those contained expressly or by necessary implication in special statutes applicable to Hennepin County.
1981 c 91 s 2