There is created in the county of Anoka a public body corporate and politic, to be known as the Anoka County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, having all of the powers and duties of a housing and redevelopment authority under the provisions of the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, Minnesota Statutes 1986, sections 462.411 to 462.711. For the purposes of applying the provisions of the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act to Anoka County, the county has all of the powers and duties of a municipality, the county board has all of the powers and duties of a governing body, the chair of the county board has all of the powers and duties of a mayor, and the area of operation includes the area within the territorial boundaries of the county.
This section shall not limit or restrict any existing housing and redevelopment authority or prevent a municipality from creating an authority. The county shall not exercise jurisdiction in any municipality where a municipal housing and redevelopment authority is established. If a municipal housing and redevelopment authority requests the Anoka County Housing and Redevelopment Authority to handle the housing duties of the municipal authority, the Anoka County Housing and Redevelopment Authority shall act and have exclusive jurisdiction for housing in the municipality. A transfer of duties relating to housing shall not transfer any duties relating to redevelopment.
1978 c 464 s 1; 2005 c 28 s 1