When it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the county board of any county that any book of record in the office of the county auditor or county abstract clerk of such county, through age, injury, use, or other cause, has become unfit for record purposes and because of such condition are liable to destruction, it shall be the duty of the auditor or county abstract clerk of the county to make a transcript of such records in suitable books to be provided by the county for that purpose.
When such transcripts have been completed the same shall be compared with the original record and the auditor or county abstract clerk shall duly certify under hand and seal at the end of each book that the records therein contained to date of signature are true and correct transcripts of the original records. Such transcripts shall then have the same force and effect as the original records.
For the transcribing of such records the county auditor or county abstract clerk shall be allowed such amounts for extra help as to the board may seem just, proper, and necessary, such extra help to be hired by the officer at the officer's direction as to their appointment and the rates of their compensation, respectively, and paid by the officer's warrants on the county treasury.
(833) 1905 c 295 s 1; 1923 c 278; 1986 c 444