The commission shall have supervision over the employment, promotion, discharge, and suspension of all deputies and employees in the sheriff's department, except special deputies with no salary.
The commission shall, immediately after its appointment and organization, grade and classify all positions and also all present employees of the sheriff's department; and any deputy regularly employed at the time of creation of the civil service commission shall come under the jurisdiction of the commission without examination, and shall not be classified in a position with lower pay scale than said deputy is then receiving.
The commission shall prepare a service register, in which shall be entered, in their classes, the names, ages, compensation, period of past employment and such other facts and data with reference to each employee as the commission may deem useful, in order to better ascertain the standing of each deputy and employee for the purpose of promotions.
The commission shall act in no more than an advisory capacity regarding salaries in the sheriff's department, and sections 387.31 to 387.45 shall in no way change the manner of fixing salaries of deputies.
The commission shall keep a second register to be known as the application register in which shall be entered the names and addresses, in the order of the date of application, of all applicants for examination and the positions or employment they seek. All applications shall be upon forms prescribed by the commission and contain such data and information as the commission deems necessary and useful.
1957 c 325 s 8,9