Any person who shall, contrary to the provisions of sections 395.14 to 395.24, sell, transfer, take, or carry away, or in any manner dispose of, the seed or feed, or any part thereof, furnished by the county under sections 395.14 to 395.24 or shall use or dispose of such seed or feed, or any part thereof, for any other purpose than that of planting or sowing with same as stated in the application and contract, or shall sell, transfer, take, or carry away, or in any manner dispose of, the crop or any part thereof, produced from the sowing or planting of such seed, before the same is paid for, is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall pay all the costs of prosecution, and whoever under any of the provisions of sections 395.14 to 395.24 shall be found guilty of false swearing shall be deemed to have committed perjury and shall upon conviction suffer the pains and penalties of that crime. Upon the recording of the contract in the office of the county recorder, and the sowing of the seed obtained therefor, the title and right of possession to the growing crop and to the grain produced from the seed shall be in the county which shall have furnished the seed until the debt incurred for such seed or feed, shall have been paid, and any seizure thereof or interference therewith except by the applicant and those in the applicant's employ, for the purpose of harvesting, threshing, and marketing the same to pay such debt, shall be deemed a conversion thereof and treble damages may be recovered against the person so converting the same by the county furnishing such seed and feed.
(748) 1917 c 21 s 9; 1976 c 181 s 2; 1986 c 444; 2005 c 4 s 102; 2005 c 10 art 3 s 20