The board shall, by secret ballot, elect a park superintendent to serve as the chief administrative officer of the park district. Such election shall be for terms of not to exceed five years and the superintendent shall serve at the pleasure of the board. No person shall be elected superintendent unless the person has had at least ten years experience in business or in public administration, at least five years of which shall have been in a responsible administrative capacity and at least three years in the administration of parks or recreation. The salary of the superintendent shall be set by the board. The superintendent or a designee shall serve as secretary to the board. The secretary shall, promptly after selection, file with the board a bond in the penal sum of $10,000, with good and sufficient sureties acceptable to the Board of Park District Commissioners.
The board shall have power to appoint such officers, agents, and employees as it deems necessary for the proper administration of the district. The officers, agents, and employees shall perform such duties and receive such compensation as the board may determine and shall be removable at the pleasure of the board.
1955 c 806 s 10; 1986 c 444; 1991 c 326 s 22; 2004 c 251 s 21; 2005 c 82 s 10