In all matters relating to official duties, the state auditor shall have the powers possessed by courts of law to issue subpoenas and cause them to be served and enforced. All state and county auditors, treasurers, and other public officials, and their respective deputies and employees, all officers, directors, and employees of all railway and other companies required by law to pay taxes to the state upon a gross earnings basis, and all persons having dealings with or knowledge of the affairs or methods of such companies, and likewise all corporations, firms, and individuals having business involving the receipt, disbursement, or custody of the public funds shall at all times afford reasonable facilities for such examinations, make such returns and reports to the state auditor as required, attend and answer under oath the auditor's lawful inquiries, produce and exhibit such books, accounts, documents, and property as the auditor may desire to inspect, and in all things aid the auditor in the performance of duties.
(3283) 1913 c 555 s 10; 1973 c 492 s 14; 1986 c 444