(a) A collaborative governance council is established and shall include major statewide governmental entities and nongovernmental statewide organizations as provided in this subdivision. The council has nine members, including the state auditor and one member appointed by and serving at the pleasure of each of the following:
(1) League of Minnesota Cities;
(2) Minnesota Association of Townships;
(3) Association of Minnesota Counties;
(4) Minnesota School Board Association;
(5) American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Council 5;
(6) Education Minnesota;
(7) Service Employees International Union; and
(8) the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce.
The appointing authorities under this section shall complete their initial appointments no later than July 1, 2010.
(b) The council shall seek input from nonmember organizations whose expertise can help inform the council's work.
(c) In conjunction with the state auditor's duties to recommend best practices for delivery of local government services, the state auditor shall serve as chair of the council and shall convene the first meeting by July 31, 2010. The council must meet at least quarterly and must provide notice of its meetings to the public and to the members of the legislative committees and divisions with jurisdiction over state and local government, education policy and finance, and early childhood through grade 12 education policy and finance. Meetings of the council shall be open to the public.
(d) Members do not receive compensation or reimbursement of expenses from the council for service on the council.
(a) The council shall develop recommendations to the governor and the legislature designed to increase collaboration in government. These recommendations may include, but are not limited to, strategies, policies, or other actions focused on the following:
(1) the review of statutes, laws, and rules that slow or prevent collaboration efforts;
(2) the use of collaboration to improve the delivery of governmental services;
(3) the use of technology to connect entities and share information, including broadband access;
(4) the modernization of financial transactions and their oversight by facilitating credit and debit card transactions, electronic funds, transfers, and electronic data interchange; and
(5) the creation of model forms for joint power agreements.
(b) By February 1 of each year, the council shall submit its recommendations, including any draft legislation necessary to implement its recommendations, to the governor and to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees and divisions with jurisdiction over state and local government policy and finance and early childhood through grade 12 education policy and finance.
This section expires June 30, 2015.
2010 c 319 s 1