The active and retired members of the fire department and their surviving spouses shall maintain the association. The association shall be duly incorporated under chapter 317A. The corporation shall have perpetual corporate existence. The association shall create, maintain, and administer those funds and accounts as set forth in section 423C.04 for the benefit of its members, surviving spouses, and dependents. The sources of revenue for each fund and account are governed by section 423C.04. The authorized disbursements from each fund and account are governed by sections 423C.04, 423C.05, and 423C.06.
Active members, deferred members, retired members, and surviving spouse members as defined in section 423C.01 are members of the association.
The board created in section 423C.03 shall manage, control, and operate the association, including the funds and accounts set forth in section 423C.04, according to this chapter, other applicable law, and the association's articles of incorporation and its bylaws. Notwithstanding section 423A.01, subdivision 2, or any other law to the contrary, the board shall continue to govern the association until there are fewer than 100 members receiving benefits under this chapter. Thereafter, the special fund shall become a trust fund according to section 423A.01, subdivision 2.
Upon the death of the last benefit recipient and the certification by the chief administrative officer of the city to the state auditor of the absence of any remaining person entitled to a benefit under this chapter, all assets of the association or trust fund, whichever applies, shall revert to the city. The city shall only use these assets for firefighting expenditure purposes.
1Sp2001 c 10 art 15 s 2