The board shall consist of two persons appointed by the city and the number of other members specified in the association bylaws, but not to exceed ten, who must be selected by the members. Elections for active and retired positions on the board shall be conducted pursuant to the association's bylaws.
The officers of the association shall consist of a president, one or more vice-presidents, an executive secretary, a treasurer, an assistant executive secretary, and an assistant treasurer. Only elected members of the board are eligible to be officers. Officers shall have those duties and responsibilities as set forth in this chapter, other applicable law, and the association's bylaws. Officers shall be compensated as provided in subdivision 3. All officers shall be elected in even years at the association's annual meeting. Officers shall hold their office for a term of two years unless they are removed from the board before their two-year term expires.
(a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the association may provide for salaries to its officers and board members as specified in this subdivision.
(b) If the executive secretary is not an active member, the executive secretary may receive a salary to be set by the board, subject to the limitations stated in paragraph (d). If the executive secretary is an active member, the executive secretary may receive a salary not exceeding 50 percent of the maximum salary of a first grade firefighter.
(c) The president may receive a salary not exceeding ten percent of the maximum salary of a first grade firefighter, and all other elected members of the board, other than the executive secretary, may receive a salary not exceeding 2.5 percent of the maximum salary of a first grade firefighter.
(d) If the executive secretary is not an active member, the executive secretary's salary may not exceed the highest salary currently received by the executive director of the Minnesota State Retirement System, the Public Employees Retirement Association, or the Teachers Retirement Association.
(a) The executive secretary and the treasurer must furnish to the relief association a corporate bond for the faithful performance of the duties of that office in an amount as the board of trustees from time to time may determine, subject to the minimum amount specified in section 69.051, subdivision 2.
(b) The relief association must pay the premiums on these bonds from the special fund of the relief association.
Each December, the board shall hold an annual meeting. All other meetings of the board shall be held as provided in the association's articles or bylaws. Board members may participate in a board meeting by any means of communication through which the trustee, other board members participating, and all other board members physically present at the meeting may simultaneously hear each other during the meeting. Participating in a meeting by these means is the same thing as being physically present at the meeting.
(a) In addition to the powers granted the board by this chapter, chapter 317A, other applicable state and federal law, and its articles and bylaws, the board shall authorize and create a board of examiners.
(b) The board of examiners shall investigate and report on all applications for disability pensions and make recommendations as to the amount to be paid to each applicant; investigate and report on all disability pensioners and make recommendations as to the amount of pension to be paid to them, from year to year; and investigate and report on all applications for service pensions and claims for relief. This board shall consist of at least three members of the board of the relief association.
1Sp2001 c 10 art 15 s 3; 2002 c 231 s 3,4; 1Sp2003 c 12 art 11 s 1; 2004 c 267 art 13 s 1; 2009 c 169 art 8 s 4