Service charges may be imposed on the basis of the net tax capacity of the property on which the service charge is imposed but must be spread only upon the net tax capacity of the taxable property located in the geographic area described in the ordinance. Service charges based on net tax capacity may be payable and collected at the same time and in the same manner as provided for payment and collection of ad valorem taxes. When made payable in the same manner as ad valorem taxes, service charges not paid on or before the applicable due date shall be subject to the same penalty and interest as in the case of ad valorem tax amounts not paid by the respective due date. The due date for a service charge payable in the same manner as ad valorem taxes is the due date given in law for the real or personal property tax for the property on which the service charge is imposed. Service charges imposed on net tax capacity which are to become payable in the following year must be certified to the county auditor by the date provided in section 429.061, subdivision 3, for the annual certification of special assessment installments. Other service charges imposed must be collected as provided by ordinance. Service charges based on net tax capacity collected under sections 428A.01 to 428A.10 are not included in computations under section 469.177, chapter 276A or 473F, or any other law that applies to general ad valorem levies. For the purpose of this section, "net tax capacity" means the net tax capacity most recently determined at the time that tax rates are determined under section 275.08.
1988 c 719 art 5 s 84; art 14 s 5; 1989 c 329 art 13 s 20; 1995 c 264 art 16 s 18; 1996 c 471 art 11 s 12