It shall be the duty of the fire marshal to examine all property within the city and enforce the ordinances of the city relating to the care of chimneys, the storage and handling of explosives and enforce all other ordinances and laws of the state pertaining to precautions against danger from fires. The fire marshal shall have power to enter any dwelling or other building between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of making this examination, and shall examine into the cause of every fire which shall happen in the city and make a complete report of the same, and make a report thereof monthly to the chief of the fire department. The fire marshal shall report all violations of ordinances of the city and laws of the state relating to the public safety, in all public buildings, and shall sign and file complaints before the proper prosecuting officers for the enforcement of these ordinances. The fire marshal shall receive as compensation a sum to be fixed by the board of fire commissioners, not less than the salary paid a captain of the fire department of the city.
(1424) 1911 c 94 s 2; 1986 c 444