No execution shall issue on a judgment for the recovery of money against a city, except as hereinafter provided. Upon delivery of a certified copy of the judgment, the treasurer of such municipality shall pay it out of any moneys in or coming in not otherwise appropriated, unless collection thereof be stayed on appeal, always retaining a sufficient sum to pay necessary current expenses; and, if the treasurer fails so to do, the treasurer and bonding agents shall be liable for the amount. In case there be no such treasurer, then, upon delivery of such certified copy and an affidavit of the judgment creditor, the judgment creditor's agent or attorney, showing the amount due, and that the judgment has not been stayed on appeal, the county treasurer shall pay such judgment out of the funds of the municipality in or coming in, taking receipt therefor.
(1834) RL s 769; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1986 c 444