Each of the cities of Cannon Falls and Redwood Falls may, by adoption of an enabling resolution in compliance with the procedural requirements of section 469.0723, establish a port authority commission that, subject to section 469.0722, has the same powers as a port authority established under section 469.049, or other law, and a housing and redevelopment authority established under chapter 469, or other law, and is an agency that may administer one or more municipal development districts under section 469.131. The port authority commission may exercise any of these powers within industrial development districts or within other property under the jurisdiction of the commission. The port authority commission may enter into agreements with nonprofit organizations or corporations, including, but not limited to, joint venture and limited partnership agreements, in order to carry out its purposes. If a city establishes a port authority commission under this section, the city shall exercise all the powers in dealing with a port authority that are granted to a city by chapter 458, and all powers in dealing with a housing and redevelopment authority that are granted to a city by chapter 462, or other law.
1988 c 702 s 17; 1989 c 209 art 2 s 41