A city may, at the request of the authority, levy a tax in any year for the benefit of the authority. The tax must be not more than 0.01813 percent of taxable market value. The amount levied must be paid by the city treasurer to the treasurer of the authority, to be spent by the authority.
A city may increase its levy for economic development authority purposes under subdivision 1 in the following way. Its city council must first pass a resolution stating the proposed amount of levy increase. The city must then publish the resolution together with a notice of public hearing on the resolution for two successive weeks in its official newspaper or if none exists in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. The hearing must be held two to four weeks after the first publication. After the hearing, the city council may decide to take no action or may adopt a resolution authorizing the proposed increase or a lesser increase. A resolution authorizing an increase must be published in the city's official newspaper or if none exists in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. The resolution is not effective if a petition requesting a referendum on the resolution is filed with the city clerk within 30 days of publication of the resolution. The petition must be signed by voters equaling five percent of the votes cast in the city in the last general election. The election must be held at a general or special election. Notice of the election must be given in the manner required by law. The notice must state the purpose and amount of the levy.
1987 c 291 s 108; 1988 c 719 art 5 s 84; 1989 c 277 art 4 s 64; 1992 c 511 art 5 s 13