An authority may establish and maintain a guaranty fund or funds. Money in the guaranty fund is available, under the terms and conditions that the development authority establishes, to indemnify or hold harmless a person from liability for remediation costs under a state or federal environmental law, regulation, ruling, order, or decision.
The authority may agree to pledge money in the guaranty fund to indemnify a person whose liability arises out of use, ownership, occupancy, or financing of a property in the subdistrict or district.
The authority shall determine by resolution or by agreement with the person the terms and conditions under which money in the guaranty fund will be used to indemnify or hold harmless the person. The authority may not agree to indemnify a person from liability for contamination caused by the person. The maximum amount that may be paid from the guaranty fund with respect to properties within a subdistrict or district is one-half of the remediation and removal costs. The maximum duration of an indemnification agreement is 25 years. An indemnification agreement is subject to any other restrictions provided by this section or other law.
(a) Revenues derived from tax increments and any other money available to the authority may be deposited in the guaranty fund. The municipality may appropriate money to the authority to be deposited in the guaranty fund.
(b) If a guaranty fund is established that applies to property located in more than one tax increment financing district or subdistrict, the authority shall establish separate accounts for each subdistrict and district. The authority shall deposit all revenues derived from tax increments from a subdistrict or district in the account for that subdistrict or district, except the following amounts may be deposited in a general or other account: (1) the portion of revenue derived increments from a district, subject to section 469.1763, that may be spent on activities outside of the district, or (2) up to 25 percent of the revenues derived from increments from districts that are not subject to section 469.1763 and which may be deposited in the guaranty fund under the applicable tax increment financing plans. Investment earnings of money in an account must be credited to that account.
(c) The only money which may be pledged to indemnify or hold harmless a person from liability are amounts either in the account for the subdistrict or district in which the property out of which the liability arose is located or in an account not dedicated to a specific subdistrict or district.
The authority and municipality is liable under a guaranty fund agreement only to the extent funds are available in the guaranty fund account or accounts available for the property.
The authority shall provide for the guaranty fund to be held by or maintained with a financial institution or corporate fiduciary eligible for the deposit of public money or eligible to act as a trustee or fiduciary for obligations issued under chapter 475.
At the end of the period of the indemnification, all unencumbered money in the guaranty fund for the subdistrict or district must be treated as an excess increment and distributed under the provisions of section 469.176, subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clause (4). If the municipality contributed money to the account, other than revenues derived from increments, the authority may deduct and pay to the municipality a proportionate share of the unencumbered money in the account before the money is distributed as an excess increment. The proportionate share is determined based on the amount of contributions of nonincrements to the account relative to total contributions, including increments, to the account.
1993 c 375 art 14 s 15