[Repealed, 1Sp2001 c 5 art 15 s 41]
(a) If a special law allows an extension of the duration limit of an existing tax increment financing district under section 469.176 or allows establishment of a new district with a longer duration limit than that permitted by general law, the "affected local government units," for purposes of section 645.021 and article XII, section 2, of the Minnesota Constitution, include the city or town, the school district, and the county in which the tax increment district is located. The town board may act to approve the special law.
(b) The chief clerical officer of the municipality must, as soon after the affected local units have approved the special law allowing an extension, file with the secretary of state a certificate stating the essential facts necessary to valid approval, including a copy of each of the resolutions of approval by the city or town, the school district, and the county. The attorney general shall prescribe the form of the certificate and the secretary of state shall furnish copies. If the municipality fails to file a certificate of approval before the first day of the next regular session of the legislature, the extension of the duration is deemed to be disapproved, unless the special law allows a longer period for approval. If the law contains other provisions besides an extension of the duration and the municipality otherwise complies with section 645.021, the rest of the law takes effect.
1995 c 264 art 5 s 35; 1998 c 397 art 11 s 3