(a) An applicant for designation of a job opportunity building zone must adopt a written development plan for the zone before submitting the application to the commissioner.
(b) The development plan must contain, at least, the following:
(1) a map of the proposed zone that indicates the geographic boundaries of the zone, the total area, and present use and conditions generally of the land and structures within those boundaries;
(2) evidence of community support and commitment from local government, local workforce investment boards, school districts, and other education institutions, business groups, and the public;
(3) a description of the methods proposed to increase economic opportunity and expansion, facilitate infrastructure improvement, reduce the local regulatory burden, and identify job-training opportunities;
(4) current social, economic, and demographic characteristics of the proposed zone and anticipated improvements in education, health, human services, and employment if the zone is created;
(5) a description of anticipated activity in the zone and each subzone, including, but not limited to, industrial use, industrial site reuse, commercial or retail use, and residential use; and
(6) any other information required by the commissioner.
1Sp2003 c 21 art 1 s 16