The clerk or recording officer of each municipality subject to sections 471.71 to 471.83 shall prepare and present to the governing body, at its first meeting in each month, a statement showing expenditures made and estimated obligations or indebtedness incurred for the preceding month and for the preceding portion of the year; the amount allotted by the resolution referred to in section 471.75, for such month and quarter and the preceding quarters of the year; the amount allotted by such resolution and the probable expenditures for the remaining quarters of the year. If at any time it appears from such statement or from other evidence that the municipality is incurring obligations at a rate or upon a scale which would make it probable, if such rate or scale of expenditures be continued, that the total attempted expenditures for that year would exceed the available revenues, after allowance for probable tax delinquencies, the district court, in an action by any taxpayer, may enjoin expenditures during the remainder of the year in excess of probable available revenues.
1943 c 526 s 4; 1951 c 63 s 6