The Metropolitan Council shall engage in a continuous program of research and study concerning the matters enumerated in this section.
The control and prevention of air pollution.
The acquisition and financing of suitable major parks and open spaces within and adjacent to the metropolitan area.
The control and prevention of water pollution in the metropolitan area in conformity with applicable federal and state laws.
The development of long-range planning in the metropolitan area but not for the metropolitan area.
The acquisition of necessary facilities for the disposal of solid waste material for the metropolitan area and the means of financing such facilities.
The examination of the tax structure in the metropolitan area and consideration of ways to equalize the tax resources therein.
Assessment practices in the metropolitan area.
The acquisition of necessary storm water drainage facilities for the metropolitan area and the means of financing such facilities.
The necessity for the consolidation of common services of local governmental units and the kind of consolidation most suitable in the public interest.
Advance land acquisition for development purposes in the metropolitan area and the role of the public in connection therewith.
All studies shall include recommendations as to the governmental organization, governmental subdivision, or governmental district best suited to discharge the powers recommended.
1975 c 13 s 40