Charges payable to the council by local government units may be made payable at such times during each year as the council determines, but such dates shall be fixed with reference to the dates on which tax, assessment, and revenue collections become available to the government units required to pay such charges.
Each government unit shall pay to the council all sums charged to it as provided in section 473.517, at the times and in the manner determined by the council. The governing body of each such government unit shall take all action that may be necessary to provide the funds required for such payments and to make the same when due.
To accomplish any duty imposed on it by the council, the governing body of every government unit in the metropolitan area may exercise the powers granted any municipality by chapters 117, 412, 429, 475, sections 115.46, 444.075 and 471.59.
If the governing body of any local government unit fails to meet any payment to the council hereunder when due, the Metropolitan Council may certify to the auditor of the county in which the government unit is located the amount required for payment of such amount with interest at six percent per annum. The auditor shall levy and extend such amount as a tax upon all taxable property in the government unit for the next calendar year, free from any existing limitations imposed by law or charter. Such tax shall be collected in the same manner as the general taxes of the government unit, and the proceeds thereof, when collected, shall be paid by the county treasurer to the treasurer of the council and credited to the government unit for which the tax was levied.
1975 c 13 s 85; 1994 c 628 art 3 s 172-175; 1995 c 236 s 20