Contracts for the purchase of materials, supplies, and equipment must comply with and be governed by the Minnesota Uniform Municipal Contracting Law, section 471.345. A sealed bid solicitation must not be done by the commission without publishing the notice once in the official newspaper of each of the counties in the district that bids or proposals will be received. The notice shall be published at least ten days before bids are opened. Such notice shall state the nature of the work or purchase and the terms and conditions upon which the contract is to be awarded, naming therein a time and place where such bids will be received, opened, and read publicly. After such bids have been duly received, opened, read publicly, and recorded, the commission shall award such contract to the lowest responsible bidder or it may reject all bids. Each contract shall be duly executed in writing and the party to whom the contract is awarded may be required to give sufficient bond to the commission for the faithful performance of the contract. If no satisfactory bid is received the commission may readvertise. The commission shall have the right to set qualifications and specifications and to require bids to meet such qualifications and specifications before bids are accepted. All contracts involving employment of labor shall stipulate terms thereof and such conditions as the commission deems reasonable as to hours and wages.
1975 c 13 s 130; 1982 c 579 s 7; 2003 c 127 art 13 s 5