The reporter of its decisions, appointed by the Supreme Court, shall be entitled to the possession, for a reasonable time, of the files of the court in all cases decided.
The reporter shall accurately report all such cases, noting concisely the points decided, with a statement of the facts as shown by the record, unless the same are fully stated in the opinion; the names of counsel, with the points made and authorities cited, as fully as the reporter deems necessary; and the opinions rendered by the justices. All references in such opinions to former decisions of the court which have been published in the Northwestern Reporter shall also cite the volume and page of such reporter where the same appear; and, if the opinion reported has been published in said reporter, the volume and page of such publication shall be cited.
Within 90 days after the filing of a sufficient number of decisions to make an appropriate printed volume, the reporter shall deliver the manuscript of the report of such cases to the contractor for the publication thereof. As soon as the same is put in type, the reporter shall read and correct the printer's proof, and furnish to the contractor an index, a table of cases, and other matter necessary to complete the volume. The reporter shall have no pecuniary interest in such reports, which shall be copyrighted by the secretary of state in trust for the people.
(147, 148, 149) RL s 84-86; 1965 c 722 s 1; 1986 c 444; 1991 c 326 s 25