After the place of trial of any cause is determined, as provided in sections 484.44 to 484.52, all papers, orders and documents pertaining to all causes to be tried at Virginia and filed in court shall be filed and be kept on file at the court administrator's office in the city of Virginia, and all causes to be tried in Hibbing and all papers, orders and documents pertaining thereto shall be filed and be kept on file at the court administrator's office in the city of Hibbing.
In all actions tried at the city of Virginia or the city of Hibbing, the court administrator, as soon as final judgment is entered, shall forthwith cause such judgment to be docketed in the court administrator's office at the county seat; and when so docketed the same shall become a lien on real estate and have the same effect as judgments entered in causes tried at the county seat.
In all actions tried at the city of Virginia or the city of Hibbing, involving the title of real estate, upon final judgment being entered, all the papers in said cause shall be filed in the court administrator's office at the county seat and the final judgment or decree recorded therein, and a certified copy of all papers in the case shall be made by the court administrator and retained at the court administrator's office in the city of Virginia or in the court administrator's office in the city of Hibbing where the action was originally tried, without additional charge to the parties to said action.
(173) 1909 c 126; 1911 c 368; 1915 c 93; 1917 c 255 s 3; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1986 c 444; 1Sp1986 c 3 art 1 s 82