The sheriff of a county shall furnish to the district court deputies to serve as bailiffs within the county as the court may request. The county board may, with the approval of the chief judge of the district, contract with any municipality, upon terms agreed upon, for the services of police officers of the municipality to act as bailiffs in the county district court.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit the authority of the court to employ probation officers with the powers and duties prescribed in section 244.19.
Electronic recording equipment may be used for the purposes of Laws 1971, chapter 951, to record court proceedings in lieu of a court reporter. However, at the request of any party to any proceedings the court may in its discretion require the proceedings to be recorded by a competent court reporter who shall perform such additional duties as the court directs. The salary of a reporter shall be set in accordance with the procedure provided by sections 486.05 and 486.06.
2006 c 260 art 5 s 39