The system of plane coordinates which has been established by the National Ocean Survey/National Geodetic Survey, formerly the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey or its successors, for defining and stating the geographic positions or locations of points on the surface of the earth within the state of Minnesota is hereafter to be known and designated as the "Minnesota Coordinate System of 1927 and the Minnesota Coordinate System of 1983."
For the purpose of the use of this system the state is divided into a "North Zone," a "Central Zone," and a "South Zone."
The area now included in the following counties shall constitute the North Zone: Beltrami, Clearwater, Cook, Itasca, Kittson, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, Roseau, and Saint Louis.
The area now included in the following counties shall constitute the Central Zone: Aitkin, Becker, Benton, Carlton, Cass, Chisago, Clay, Crow Wing, Douglas, Grant, Hubbard, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Otter Tail, Pine, Pope, Stearns, Stevens, Todd, Traverse, Wadena, and Wilkin.
The area now included in the following counties shall constitute the South Zone: Anoka, Big Stone, Blue Earth, Brown, Carver, Chippewa, Cottonwood, Dakota, Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Hennepin, Houston, Jackson, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Le Sueur, Lincoln, Lyon, McLeod, Martin, Meeker, Mower, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Olmsted, Pipestone, Ramsey, Redwood, Renville, Rice, Rock, Scott, Sherburne, Sibley, Steele, Swift, Wabasha, Waseca, Washington, Watonwan, Winona, Wright, and Yellow Medicine.
1945 c 165 s 1; 1985 c 299 s 32