(a) A recorder or registrar may:
(1) receive, index, store, archive, and transmit electronic documents;
(2) provide for access to documents and other information by electronic means;
(3) provide for search and retrieval of documents and other information by electronic means;
(4) index, store, and archive, in electronic form, paper documents accepted for recording;
(5) convert into electronic form the record of documents recorded or registered before the recorder or registrar began to record electronic documents;
(6) accept electronically any fee or tax that the recorder or registrar is authorized to collect; and
(7) agree with other officials of this state or a political subdivision of this state on procedures or processes to facilitate the electronic satisfaction of conditions to recording and the electronic payment of fees and taxes.
(b) A recorder who accepts electronic documents for recording shall:
(1) continue to accept paper documents; and
(2) place entries for paper documents and electronic documents in the same index.
(c) A registrar who accepts electronic documents for registration shall:
(1) continue to accept paper documents; and
(2) place entries for paper documents and electronic documents in the same index.
2008 c 238 art 2 s 4