[Repealed, 1999 c 11 art 1 s 72]
The owner of registered land may request the registrar of titles to issue a new certificate of title free from the memorials of all interests which have terminated.
The owner or owners of registered land holding (1) one certificate of title for two or more parcels of land or (2) one certificate for undivided interests in one or more parcels of land may request the registrar to issue separate certificates of title to each owner or for each parcel or any combination thereof as may be desired consistent with their registered interests, provided a registered land survey is not required by section 508.47. When the registrar of titles has issued more than one certificate of title to one or more owners for one or more parcels of land, the owner or owners may request the registrar to issue a single certificate of title for all of the land to the owner or owners of the land, or the registrar may issue two or more certificates to the owner or owners of the land or for each parcel or any combination thereof as may be desired consistent with their registered interests, provided a registered land survey is not required by section 508.47.
A certificate of title issued pursuant to this section shall be known as an exchange certificate.
1983 c 92 s 11; 1984 c 655 art 1 s 70; 1999 c 11 art 1 s 20; 2001 c 50 s 5,38